Oral hygiene
Mar 30, 2021
The mouth of a human body contains the highest percentage of bacteria; say about six million, although most of them are harmless. The human body is tailored in such a way that the body’s natural defenses can usually keep the growth of bacteria under control given that he follows a good oral hygiene routine. You are under threat only when these bacteria invade your bloodstream, and that is why oral health is something you should never neglect.
According to many research and dental specialists, our oral health and overall health are both interconnected. If you neglect to brush or forget to floss, your mouth is becoming a breeding ground for bacterial growth. This may result in toothaches, cavities, gum infections, etc. The result of this is the loss of teeth. Most of the organ-linked diseases are because of oral manifestations. Poor dental health may cause certain conditions listed below:
- Cancer: Poor dental health causes Oral Cancer, Leukaemia, and few other types of cancers that require timely treatment.
- Diabetes: Because a person has lower immunity, a person can develop gum diseases if he/she does not plan a proper dental health care routine.
- HIV/AIDS: It is a known fact that a person suffering from HIV infection is prone to various kinds of diseases because of their lower resistance power. Having improper oral health can contribute to the severity of these infections.
- Hearth diseases: Heart-related issues like clogged arteries, endocarditis are correlated to poor oral habits.
- Osteoporosis: When the calcium percentage in the body decreases, bones become fragile resulting in loss of tooth and jaw bone fracture.
These are the common problems related to oral health, and there are many. Brushing your teeth regularly can help to prevent gum problems. Also, make regular appointments with a dentist for routine care. Sometimes simple things like these can help you stay healthy. Also, who wants to have an unpleasant smile isn’t it? Hence, make oral care your first-do thing and maintain that confident smile throughout the day.